Going deeper into the mycosphere...
Part 2 of life cycles...
The Fungal life cycle constitutes four key overall elements: seed = spore | sprout = mycelial hyphae | main structure = mycelium | fruit = mushroom.
Comparing the 5 major phyla:
Basidiomycete (club fungi) comprise of boletes, stinkhorns, puffballs, shelf fungi among others & are capable of releasing billions of basidiospores per day.
Ascomycetes (sac fungi) comprise of morels, truffles, brewers' and bakers' yeast, dead man's fingers, and cup fungi. Release ascospores
Zygomycota (conjugated fungi) comprise of bread mold, Rhizopus stolonifer.
Glomeromycota comprise of 230 species that live in close connection with plant roots. All members of this particular family are arbuscular mycorrhizae: which the hyphae interact with the root cells that form a mutually beneficial association with plants that supply the carbon source and energy in the form of carbohydrates to the fungus, in return the fungus supplies essential minerals from the soil to the plant such as phosphorus. As a soil bourne fungi, it is said these this type of fungi presents a symbiotic association with 70% of all the world's plants though endomycorrhizae connections, a mutual relationship. This type of fungi propelled the evolution of plants from tapping the shores as insignificant plant formations to inland structures in the form of trees. asexually through blastic development of the hyphal tip to produce large spores (glomerospores; sometimes reach to 800 µm) inside or outside of roots.
Chytridiomycetesa (Chytrids) comprise of Allomyces, a water mold, Synchytrium endobioticum, a pathogen of potato, and Neocallimastix, a chytrid that lives symbiotically in the gut of herbivores, such as cattle. Spores are - flagellated zoospores; flagellated cells are not present in any other fungal groups (an exception is a very small group that has only recently been separated from the chytrids).
Deuteromycetes is an anamorphic fungi (asexual) producing spores via mitosis. This type of fungi is classed as artificial & is among 15,000 fungi because of there reproductive state. Spores or cornidia produced on the mycleium.
Fungi reproduce through asexual & sexual.
I have in mind, a future piece on 'how fungi grows', this will link in with what I have mentioned here & I will make sure to relate each post because that way I hope it makes more sense. For example the four key elements will set the foundations of the life cycle - these will go alongside growth and so on. I will aim to breakdown and focus on one area.